Wednesday, 4 December 2013

Exciting Skype News!

In year 4 we have started an exciting link up project with St Andrews CofE School in Uxbridge. First we exchanged emails to introduce ourselves and find out more about their school and learning. It was great fun picking up the emails and composing replies! We all had lots of questions to ask.

Year 4 then used Skype on the ipads to add their contacts, ready for a virtual meeting!

There was lots of excitement in the classroom as the Skype calls began to come through and children were connected. Some children were even giving each other tours of their classrooms!

We are really looking forward to hearing from pupils at St Andrews again soon....


  1. we are having a reley busy week sutch as our viking project and we are working very hard on our chrismas show.

  2. In year 4 we have been doing skyping and emails.

  3. I am really happy that we are getting to use skype

  4. I LIKE OUR VIKIng progect from nab
